i have been training CC since 12/23 and we have seen just about everything in the entire protocol book (CPAP, SVT, Afib w/ RVR, STEMI, etc.) but we couldn't buy him an intubation. we would try and jump cardiac arrests and someone would be closer or we would get there and the dude would be dead for days. we tried switching up stupid things, trying to drum up a cardiac arrest. and finally on 2/17 CC finally got one. we were at base and a 6D, respiratory distress, came out for medic 10 and the dispatcher stated possible cardiac arrest. CC and i were very close so we advised dispatch we were going to it too. we figured that we would pull up a minute after medic 10 and CC could still intubate (and we would just steal the call from them and run it in). the two units met at an intersection and CC was on the phone with medic 10. we were at the exact same intersection near the call and they stopped their lights and siren and gave it to us. we rolled up on scene and the fire dept. was already there (it happened to be one of the guys mother-in-law). she was on the floor with CPR going and we took over. she was in asystole on the monitor and after the next rhythm check she was still in asystole. we had IV access and intubated her and cardiac drugs on board. our QRV was there, as well, and had pulled the family into the kitchen and explained that we were going to work her for another 25 minutes and if she didn't get out of asystole we were going to call it here in the house. the family was ok with that and were very understanding. the pt just was released from the hospital with pneumonia and when we tubed her thick, white phlegm was all in the tube. she was altered and short of breath (SOB) for most of the day and she just collapsed on the floor. 24 and a half minutes into it she gets a strong femoral pulse and we scooped her up and took off to the hosptial. 24 1/2 minutes exactly. asystole to pulse. strange, very strange. she stayed alive for most of the day and CC went into the room to see the family (they had already signed a DNR for her and were sitting by the bedside all day) and CC literally saw her go into PEA and he called for the doc to come in to the room. CC brought her back and was there the second she died, again. strange day. the next day was even stranger....
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