this is part two of the last post. when last you read us CC and i just had our first cardiac arrest together and CC got his intubation. well, the next day was a busy day and by the end of it we came to the conclusion that we were douches. we were supposed to be done at 7 pm. around 1700 we got a 27D, GSW. some crack head/heroin addict was walking down the street and some peeps drove by and shot her in the ass and back of the legs with a shotgun. it was my call and we got her fat ass off the scene and to the hospital in nice time. we were on top of our game that day, after having such a good day the day before. so we check out of the hospital and right at 1825 we get another call. ok, no big deal i guess. yeah, it sucks but what can we do. so we go and pick up this old guy and take him to the hospital on base (he's retired military and gets a choice between the two in our county). we check out of that hospital at 1945 (45 minutes over our scheduled time) and now we get to go back to base with no chance of getting another call. unless, of course, a bad call comes out and we are the closest. BAM! 9E1, cardiac arrest comes out. we are kinda far from it but when we hear the only truck available for it is coming from base we have a choice to make. i look at CC and he goes "ok, let's do this" and i get on the radio and tell the other truck, medic 13, to keep going and we'll MEET them there. fully thinking (wishing) they will get there a couple minutes before us and CC will get another tube and then we can just help out until they take off for the hospital. but what does my dumb ass do? i drive to fucking fast and smoke the other ambulance. now WE are the first on scene and this is now our call. i couldn't believe it when i came around the corner in the neighborhood and saw just a fire truck. and on top of it all the firefighters placed a BIAD/King airway! so we load the guy up because he was outside in his car at the time. the fire dept had him on the ground and it was cold out so, without thinking, we put him in our ambulance. WRONG. he was in asystole at our first contact and according to our protocols we can work him for another 30 or so minutes (with numerous other caveats on top) and call it there on the scene if he doesn't improve (even getting him into a VTach/VFib i consider an "improvement"). but now we have him in the truck and we aren't just going to stop and take him back out after 30 minutes and lay him in the grass in front of the neighbors. so we take off for the hospital (after setting him up) and en route the King airway is sliding around in the guys mouth due to all the puke. CC notices the SPO2 dropping and d/c's the King and intubates the guy. so it all worked out in the end. at least until it was 2245 and we were still at base writing up the report into emscharts. we both were so tired and we could only laugh at how stupid we were.
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