hey, i guess i have to give props to GW. you can teach an old dog new tricks. bush and clinton have joined forces to help the people of haiti. if you haven't given just google them and donate (even if you are just reading this many many moons later i'm sure the people of haiti still need your help). the above image was taken on Jan. 16th, four days after the first earthquake hit the island. now lets see how GW reacted with Katrina....

the hurricane made landfall at 7am on monday Aug. 29. this photo was taken at 11 am. GW was with the man he destroyed in the 2000 race by sending out mailers to the people of South Carolina. the mailers said that McCain had fathered an illegitimate "black baby" when the truth was that McCain and his wife adopted a child. i love how the idea of The Blacks can turn SC into crazy town (yet another reason to NEVER visit SC).

this photo was taken at 2 pm tuesday Aug. 30. GW plays guitar with some douche bag named mark willis. the levees had already failed over 24 hours prior to this photo op. GW then flys back to the fake ranch/staged prop of Crawford to finish his vacation (if you google bush's vacation days you will see he set a record, as of March 11, 2008 GW had spent 879 days in Crawford)

this photo is from wednesday Aug. 31st. GW does a 35 minute fly-by. FEMA's response is still floundering but the 24 hour news keeps the nation informed (one of the only bright spots by the MSM during GW's days in office). later this night Condi would go to a Broadway show, remember by this time she is Sec. of State (Hillary's job now) and gets booed, she went to see "Spamalot".....i can go on for days (what with Condi shoe shopping, "Heckava job Brownie", GW claiming that no one could have predicted the levees would break, GW's mom talking about the refugees in Houston, etc, etc, etc.) but just go to this link to see the national shame that was Katrina.
so i gotta give props to GW today for linking up with The Clenis to be the faces of the US aid effort. but i'll never forget this picture and everything that happened after...NEVER EVER FORGET.

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