the modern GOP (1980-present) can be best understood by first fully understanding this recent quote i saw by the General...
...for nearly two hundred years until the Reagan Revolution triumphantly destroyed the Middle Class in the War of Wage Suppression, a war that so far has lasted just over three decades.the fact that middle class wages have not grown since the 1970's (read the article "Is Our Tax System Helping Us Create Wealth?" by David Cay Johnston) but prices continue to go up. the drum beat of consumerism keeps steady and credit debt climbs per family. the disparity between "haves" and the "have nots" is as great as it was in the 20's and 30's. the modern GOP can still get dirt poor folks to not only vote Republican, but do it with a smile. they can get poor elderly folks to not only fight against health care reform, but scream about social security "privatisation". these people who live and breath by every word Rush/Beck/Hannity sputter into a mic. these people who vote for anything these multi-millionaire talking heads trick them into supporting. and why do they do it? simple. they all have delusions of grandeur, each one thinks "one day i will/can/could be rich too" and that is all they need. is that the key to eternal bliss? a daydream and a powerball ticket. some days i wish i could just shut off and float in the ignorance with them.
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