I am a medic on both the city SWAT/ERT and the county SWAT/SRT. Went on a raid late one night with the city to a ‘gambling establishment’. the guys on the team said that they normally would never raid a place like this, but certain situations were forcing them to act. The main one was that some of the local soldiers, that have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, have been losing big money at this place and some of their wives had followed them to the establishment. Now the wives are demanding the city to stop the gambling. I may not be the biggest supporter of capitalism, some have jokingly called my a ‘commie’, but when you are making a choice to gamble it should be on that person not the person who is providing the service. And let me tell you, this guy had a beautiful ‘service’. I am so glad I did not know about this place because I would have loved to play cards there. We rolled up and after the 2-3 minutes of action I walked into paradise. The dude who was running it was in his late 20’s, tall, skinny white dude and his mother was running the door. The ‘owner’ had his brand new 250Z parked right up next to the door. Of, course the old lady was having an anxiety attack and after checking her I went inside. The location was half of an auto body shop with a garage door and a large main shop/room with an office area in the rear with a storage closet and bathroom. The owner had the place straight decked out. There were 6 professional card tables with a dealer for each, a pool table in the middle for guys who bust out or were waiting to get on a table, 8 flat screens on the walls, a convenience store cooler with beer and soda in it and a place in the back to buy chips and snacks. It was wonderful, a man’s playground. There were about 40 guys and gals in there playing cards at the time of the raid, a lot of them soldiers (I could tell by all the military ids turned in). The cops zip tied them and searched them and they were all given tickets and sent on their way. If they had a small amount of drugs that was taken and they were given another ticket. Now, this took awhile to go through each person and while it was going on this big thick white dude was sweating at one of the tables and told me he was having chest pain. He was a good guy, he wasn’t giving me any crap, he just was refusing all treatment and stated that he was going to be fine, so I just stayed by him. Eventually he let me check his b/p, he had a hx HTN, and as he began to calm down a little his b/p dropped and he stated his chest pain went away. Now, when the cops gave you your ticket and you were going to leave they walked out with you and checked your car before letting you go. It turned out that the big man had coke, weed and pills (a lot of all) in his truck and that was the reason for his worries. Poor dude. This is a service economy and he was just providing a service to the community. Like I said, if your husband is out gambling all the money he got fighting in Iraq (yes, yes, yes…I know, the wife is at home worried and watching the kids, blah, blah, blah) then as a wife you need to stomp them balls. My fiancé would NEVER let me get away with that shit, she would stab me in my sleep. So, to the wives of those soldiers who stopped a wonderful illegal card game…..shame on you (I know, harsh words, but hey medicine tastes bad sometimes).
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