(straight away...i had a fever and was delirious when i went on this call and my BS guard was down) went to some guy in his late 20's, call came out as a sick person (26A), pt has a hx of HIV. this call was in a trailer park, not one of the bad ones, but still a trailer park (this damn one has like 200 speed bumps and takes almost 12 minutes to get about 4-5 blocks). the dude is sitting on the couch when we walk in the house. his mother is very upset and begging him to go to the hospital with us, she is the one who called 911. the pt obviously has a fever and a bad cough but since he can answer all our questions we can't kidnap him. plus, he's a real asshole and very stubborn, but since he has HIV/AIDS an infection, like this, is not good. after numerous times asking him to come with us i turn to the mother and tell her that he needs some ibuprofen to break that fever and maybe later she will be able to talk him into going with her, or us, to the hospital. she starts to cry and beg him to go and says that she doesn't have any money to get him any Motrin. so i go out to the truck and get some children's Motrin that we carry and i give it to her. now while i'm out getting the stuff my partner is outside of the house talking with the mother. so i give her the medication and as we are leaving i finally notice that in the only parking spot for this trailer is a Cadillac STS, brand new, backed into the space. and then my partner tells me that when he asked the mother if the pt was eating well recently she said that he didn't have any of the crab legs she made tonight. she has a Cadillac in the driveway and crab legs for dinner BUT can't afford Motrin!?!?
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