was on a SWAT raid recently, i'm a medic on two separate SWAT teams locally, and they were joking around when we were in the truck on the way to the scene. they were talking about another guy, who wasn't with us that day. i'm paraphrasing but here's the jist of the story. they hit a house and there was a spanish dude in the house and the SWAT officer came at him, gun up and fully kitted up, and wanted the spanish dude to put his hands up. so he started yelling "Como te llamas!!" and the dude said "Juan". so he kept moving forward and yelling "Como te llamas!!" and the dude yelled back "Juan!" with his hands still by his side. "I'll shot you motherfucker!! Como te llamas!!!" and the dude screamed back "JUAN!!". hahahahahaha. finally someone corrected him before he shot the dude. i'm not sure what exactly they are taught in SWAT school, i finnaly get to go this summer, but "Manos arriba" will probably work just fine. reminds me of when we were in Iraq. we were in the invasion so our cultural knowledge was very primitive and the universal American sign for stop (hand palm forward and arm up) is actually a greeting and sign of "come over here" for the Iraqis....oops. within a day or two my platoon noticed it was different (both hands over your head and arms crossed). luckily we hadn't killed any civilians by then. ah, but understanding cultural diversity is such a dirty fucking hippie (DFH) way to approach the world, isn't it. too bad most people who get into the infantry and police work are, for the most part, not the sharpest tools in the shed.